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Good news! The latest research of the Sugar Energy technical support team has been published

Update:17 Nov 2021

The non-metallic catalysis team of Ningbo Institute of Materials Technology and Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences recently published the latest research results in the world's top catalysis journal "Nature Catalysis". , can be said to be more than happy! The research team led by Dr. Zhang Jian verified the feasibility of using charged conductive oxide catalysts to reduce the catalytic ignition temperature of diesel soot.

Catalytic soot combustion is the mainstream technology for reducing harmful diesel soot particle emissions, which cannot effectively occur at <200°C exhaust temperature during frequent idling. Expanding on this, Dr. Zhang Jian's team used conductive oxides as catalysts, such as potassium-supported antimony tin oxides, and lowered the ignition temperature. At <75°C, 50% of the soot (T50) was converted. The experimental results obtained The performance is far better than traditional thermal catalytic soot combustion - generally, T50<300℃. The electrically driven release of lattice oxygen in the catalyst is responsible for the rapid ignition of the soot at low temperatures. In contrast, the opposite electrostatic galvanization between the conductive catalyst and the soot is responsible for the improvement of the catalyst-soot particle. The opposite electrostatic energization between the particles improves the contact efficiency of the catalyst with the soot. In the era of accelerating the global reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, electrification, and low reaction temperature to improve the catalytic efficiency of energy will become a new development direction.

Figure: Catalytic efficiency at different reaction temperatures

Dr. Zhang Jian and sugar energy

Picture: Dr. Zhang Jian

Dr. Zhang Jian graduated from the Department of Chemistry of Nankai University in 2001 with a bachelor's degree; in 2006, he graduated from the Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences with a Ph.D.; from 2006 to 2009, he worked as a postdoctoral researcher at the Fritz Haber Institute of the Max Planck Society in Germany, 2008 Years as project leader. From 2009 to 2012, he was employed by the Institute of Metal Research, the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and the Shenyang National (Joint) Laboratory of Materials Science as a researcher and research team leader. In March 2012, he was employed by the Institute of New Energy Technology, Ningbo Institute of Materials Technology and Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences, and set up a non-metallic catalysis team as the team leader.

The non-metallic catalysis team led by Dr. Zhang Jian has been giving our company huge technical support since the establishment of Tangneng and cooperated to develop the preparation process of 10,000-ton 5-hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF) with independent intellectual property rights and HMF, Furan methanol, tetrahydrofuran methanol, furan diether, bis-(5 formyl furfuryl) ether and other products. Among them, 5-Hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF), as our main product, is well received by customers at home and abroad, and the production of its platform derivatives (FDCA) has also entered a new development direction. With the further implementation and optimization of the team's new scientific research results, they will be gradually applied to the production test of Tangneng Technology shortly, making great contributions to improving the production efficiency and economic benefits of Tangneng Technology. In recent years, the state has vigorously advocated the development of bio-based materials. Under the "two-carbon" goal, of bio-based materials, the unique advantage of carbon emission reduction throughout the entire life cycle has attracted strong attention. It plays an important role in reducing carbon emissions, improving energy supply and demand, protecting the ecological environment, and increasing farmers' income. It is an important part of the country's development of the new energy industry and has a broad market space. The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) predicts that by 2030, about 35% of the world's chemicals and other industrial products will be bio-manufactured, and bio-based materials will usher in a historic development opportunity.

Zhejiang Sugar Energy Technology Co., Ltd. is determined to become a pioneer in the industry standard of new bio-based furan materials in China and takes the development of high-value-added chemical platform compounds as the strategic goal and direction of the company's development, and takes the new bio-based furan materials as the company's strategic goal and direction. Based on the foundation, striving for the upstream in the development of biopolymer materials in my country.