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Tidings of glad tidings | The scientific and technological achievements of "Research and development of 5-hydroxymethylfurfural, a new feed additive" have reached the international advanced level of similar research

Update:09 Sep 2024

The evaluation expert group agreed that the research and development technology of 5-hydroxymethylfurfural, a new feed additive, has reached the international advanced level of similar research.

On September 7, 2024, the scientific and technological achievements of "Research and development of 5-hydroxymethylfurfural, a new feed additive" submitted by Zhejiang Sugar Energy Technology Co., Ltd. passed the expert evaluation organized by the Agricultural Branch of the China Association of Senior Scientists and Technicians.

Evaluation will be by the chairman of the National Agricultural Science and Technology Entrepreneurship and Innovation Alliance, Former Counselor of The State Council, Director of The State Council Poverty Alleviation Office, Deputy Minister of Agriculture, and Senior Agronomist Liu Jian as the group leader. Counselor of The State Council, Former Vice Minister and Researcher of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs Yu Kangzhen, Academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, Doctoral Supervisor and Professor Li Defa of the College of Animal Science and Technology of China Agricultural University, Deputy Director and Associate Professor Xin Guochang of the Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Bureau of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, Former Party Secretary of the National Animal Husbandry Station, Chief expert and Second-level Researcher of the National Agricultural Science and Technology Entrepreneurship and Innovation Alliance Shi Jianzhong, Du Wei, Director and Researcher of the Feed Evaluation Department of the National Animal Husbandry Station; Yang Peilong, Deputy Director of the Feed Research Institute of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Chief of the Feed Resources and Biotransformation Innovation Team, Doctoral Supervisor and Researcher; Wang Zhiqiang, Dean and Professor of Veterinary School of Yangzhou University; Executive Deputy Director and Researcher of Institute of Agricultural Quality Standards and Testing Technology, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences Fan Xia and other members of the expert group.

This research work is based on nearly 20 years of research and development at Ningbo Institute of Materials Technology and Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences. 5-hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF) is prepared by dehydrating fructose, a bulk commodity produced by biomass, through acid catalysis + solvent field process. The developed 5-hydroxymethylfurfural production process provides theoretical guidance and alternative technology for the efficient utilization and scale production of biomass in China and also offers innovative theory and engineering technology reference for the catalytic conversion of sugars with the same molecular structure characteristics. Studies have shown that 5-hydroxymethylfurfural can repair oxidative damage, improve the body's anti-sensitivity ability, anti-inflammatory ability, antibacterial ability, anti-oxidative stress effect, immune regulation ability, reduce blood sugar concentration, improve hemorheology, protect the liver and other biological functions, can improve animal and fish immunity, bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effects. The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) has made a qualified safety presumption for the per capita daily intake of 5-hydroxymethylfurfural and there are no safety concerns within a certain range."

Yang Yong, chief engineer of Sugar Energy Technology, introduced at the evaluation meeting that the main innovations of this achievement are: first, the solubility and reactivity of fructose are greatly increased under low eutectic solvent, and the fructose is highly selective into HMF, with a yield of more than 90% and a purity of ≥98%; Secondly, the safety and effectiveness of 5-HMF as a potential feed additive and its regulation mechanism on fat metabolism of laying hens were studied through feeding experiments. Third, the results of safety toxicology tests showed that the acute toxicity of 5-HMF was non-toxic, no mutagenicity and teratogenicity were found, and the results of subchronic tests were negative.

"Long-term feeding of 5-HMF can effectively improve the laying rate of laying hens, improve feed conversion rate, reduce the occurrence of animal body damage and oxidative stress, and achieve food saving, cost reduction, and efficiency increase." Jin Haitao, chairman and general manager of Sugar Energy Technology, said that the test results show that adding 5-hydroxymethylfurfural to the diet of laying hens can save 0.08-0.1kg of feed per kg of eggs. The new feed additive 5-hydroxymethylfurfural research and development technology has applied for 43 invention patents (including 6 foreign patents) and has obtained 19 authorized patents (1 foreign patent).

Comprehensive rating and evaluation conclusion