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Sugar Energy Co-organized the 8th International Biobased Industry Forum and Industrial Application Exhibition

Update:14 Jun 2023

The 8th International Bio-based Industry Forum and Industry Application Exhibition was grandly opened on June 8th at the Shanghai Baohua Marriott Hotel. Zhejiang Sugar Energy Technology Co., Ltd., as a co-organizer, showcased the achievements of "research and development, production, and application of bio-based new materials".

This conference was attended by over 1000 industry colleagues, 120 speakers, and 400 enterprises. Through this conference, Sugar Energy will expand its reputation and enhance its social influence, marking the "Sugar Energy Bio-based, Green and Sustainable" brand, and allowing more enterprises to understand and cooperate with Sugar Energy.

Received Innovative Materials Award

After the opening speech of the conference, the New Leaf Award selection and award ceremony was held in the venue! The winners of the four major awards of the New Leaf Award for the Innovation Selection of the Bio-based Industry in 2023 were announced on the site. Academicians and industry experts jointly presented awards to industry leaders who won the Innovative Materials Award, Innovative Application Award, and Innovative Solutions Award. Sugar Energy has won the Innovative Materials Award in this selection!

Industry Development Report Speech

Zhang Jian, a researcher at the Ningbo Institute of Materials Technology & Engineering, CAS, and also a co-founder and chief scientist of Zhejiang Sugar Energy Technology Co., Ltd., introduced the team's research achievements in the field of furan dicarboxylic acid in recent years and shared his challenges and reflections on the large-scale application of FDCA.

Academician Zhang Tao Visited the Exhibition Booth

During the conference, Academician Zhang Tao visited the booth of Sugar Energy and listened to the report of Researcher Zhang Jian on relevant work. Researcher Zhang Jian introduced the two production lines of the Daishan site: HMF2000 tons/year and FDCA100 tons/year, and sincerely invited Academician Zhang Tao to visit the production site.

The Night of Sugar Energy

Before "The Night of Sugar Energy", Researcher Zhang Jian delivered a speech introducing the next step in the development direction of sugar energy. The company will gradually expand its production scale and research and development investment, establish communication and cooperation platforms, and work together with industry giants to provide a variety of high-quality and stable supply services to the vast number of practitioners in the bio-based industry, helping to promote the development of the bio-based industry.